
Welcome to TARP

An organization of several nerdy teenagers on Pandora who felt the strange, incomprehensible urge to Role play in a friendly environment with other nerdy people.

Message to Visitors

Hello there! Welcome to TARP. We welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay. This wiki is a growing, living, breathing thing, so feel free to add your own character backstory to the section entitled, "Third-Generation TARP members." To avoid confusion, we have just created an entirely new catagory for anyone who builds a bio after 5/21/15 on this wiki, reguardless of when you joined TARP. Please do not question this because it will not get you anywhere. (We senior members are extrodinarily stubborn) 

This wiki has been alive since February 2014, and many hours of loving work have been poured into its virtual pages. We ask that you please respect that and refrain from vandalization. We want to create this website together, and the senior members that have worked hard to create it are sharing their 

What is TARP?

"Here we are a bunch of random kids that downloaded an app [Or went on a website] to listen to music while we do school. Somehow, someway we figured out that we like writing disjointed pieces of literature hodge podged and practically plagiarized from millionaire authors' ideas and slathered with our own. So what do we do? We start commenting on songs and stations, telling these wild and strange stories that we came up with out of boredom. We don't have any particular plot or ending, but we just keep plugging along, relying on each other to throw a curve ball or plot twist and send us down an entirely different rabbit trail (both figuratively and sometimes literally) And we continue this for OVER A YEAR . Then suddenly here we are, practically best friends with people who we have never met and probably will never meet. We threw "Stranger Danger" out the stupid window. And now we are writing an entire Wikia because we think we are that awesome, when in reality we are probably one of the weirdest group of friends that has ever happened. Not to mention that we create elaborate back stories, draw pictures of our characters in our mind's eye, curse ourselves and kill ourselves. We make up massive libraries, categorize imaginary potions, and throw virtual food at eachother constantly. All without knowing if we could actually stand one another in real life. GUYS WE ARE INSANE...but I love every bit of it."

-Lady Xandra Trelawny about TARP

